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Stamatis Benis - Director



·     Marital status: Married

·     Age: 40


Teacher of Physical Education and Sports in Secondary Education, sailing instructor in Nautical Club of Volos, member of a local bareboat company.


1983 - 1987                             Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki


·         Faculty of Physical Education and Sports specialized in the sport

    of Sailing

·         Specialized in teaching Physical Education to people

    with  disabilities


1994 - two months seminar organized by the General Secretariat of Sports with subject " Scouting for talents in Sports".

1998        -  Judges seminar organized by the Hellenic

Yachting Federation in Athens (Instructor‚ Mr. Elias Karonis).

2001 - Judges seminar organized by the Hellenic Yachting

Federation in Volos  (Instructos Mr. Alkis Magriotis)

2002  International Race Officers' seminar in Athens (Instructor Mr. T.Lokett).

2002  Succeded in Examinations for the International Race Officer Title.


Languages: English (First Certificate in English , University of Cambridge)


1984 - 1988  Participation as athlete in many local

championships in Thessaloniki.

Crew member in Soling Class. Assistant coach in the club which I belong.

1989 - 2005 Headcoach in Nautical Club of Volos. Director and

 instructor of the  Offshore Sailing School  of Nautical Club of



Participation as a member of Race Committees in many national and

some international championships.

Chairman of Race Committees in most local championships in the

Area of Volos and Central Greece.

Race Officer at Field A in Olympic Test events 2002 and 2003.                                  

 Race Officer at Field A in Athen 2004 Olympic Games


Member of the Hellenic Sailing Coaches Association and member

 of the National Union of Physical Educators.






